Friday, January 13, 2012

Amazing Dutch Bicycle System for the Future

The Netherlands introduced the concept of a future state of bike sharing. This design does not focus on function but on its appearance. How?

Copenhagen Bike Share System has a view that is completely new to the city's residents. Replacing a conventional bicycle, is now emerging aesthetic sink that can be enjoyed from this design.

This design is the result of study design Rafaa. Copenhagen Bike Share System is certainly looking very attractive. Through the use of GPS and W-Lan, the system is working to avoid conflict while keeping the bike remains safe.

Through this concept, Rafaa hope to improve bicycle users from 37% to 50% in 2015. It becomes an interesting way to encourage cycling and reducing the carbon footprint.

Description: Amazing Dutch Bicycle System for the Future Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: jarkoni ItemReviewed: Amazing Dutch Bicycle System for the Future
Mbah Qopet Updated at: 4:25 PM


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