Monday, July 9, 2012

Your own raft fixie

Currently fixie on the streets is becoming a star. The new fixie prices can be very expensive compared to the motor. The solution?

The new fixie prices range from U.S. $ 400-800. If you do not have enough money, obviously you need another way it's got a bike toothed one. This is how:

First, Find a cheap 10-speed bicycle. You can look it up on the site or even a thrift shop. Make sure you have a bike that has a frame according to your size.

Second, Takeout and unloading each bicycle parts. Take the rear gear and brakes. Some people sometimes take the front brake but better leave it as you need it more than you have to stop the bike using your legs.

Third, Replace the pedal and the axis. This section is likely to be the most expensive, hard to find the axis of lower-priced but maybe you're lucky.

Fourth, the Cat again. Remove the wheel and give a touch of paint as you wish. Attach tape to the part that did not want to paint. Then after you paint, give a clear coating that is not easily scratched.

Fifth, after completion, a raft of bicycles to be a complete bike. Take out and ride with your style. Good luck.

Description: Your own raft fixie Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: jarkoni ItemReviewed: Your own raft fixie
Mbah Qopet Updated at: 9:05 AM


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