Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tips of the safest in the cycling Part 2

In the previous article has discussed some of the points safe cycling tips such as: helmets, reflectors and lights, mirror, obey traffic laws and a brief examination.

Although we have done the best preparation, usually damage a bike can happen anywhere and anytime. It is therefore wise to bring the equipment repairs to anticipate it.
So here's the next tips to be safe and comfortable when cycling:

carry emergency equipment
    • money, it sounds trivial, but sometimes forget that there are no bike pants pockets to put the wallet.
    • equipment tire patch: glue, patches, tire levers (a tool to remove tires from rims )
    • small tire pump that can be placed in order or in the saddle bag
    • multifunction devices: pocket knife, screwdriver with eyes that can be changed, the key L
  • Do not forget to bring water to replace body fluids lost during cycling. Right now many choices of beverages containing electrolytes in a variety of brands and flavors. Also small meals ( snacks ) are nutritious to add energy when fatigue on the road

Description: Tips of the safest in the cycling Part 2 Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: jarkoni ItemReviewed: Tips of the safest in the cycling Part 2
Mbah Qopet Updated at: 1:09 AM


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