Saturday, November 5, 2011

Top 5 Enemies Cyclists and How to Overcome It

Cycling is an activity that varied: sports, transportation and recreation. But like all good things on this earth, there must be an enemy. What are the enemy when you're cycling?
  • DOG,
    have you ever had chased the dog sat riding a bike? I had and I was a runaway success, as I recall. Well it's higgledy-piggledy, scared, angry, insulted and abused (the same who had a dog, why is not responsible if you have a dog). Here's how to cope. This method may not work and the risk of their own responsibility:
    • Driving the bike at full speed, with the risk of the dog running more quickly and because you are speeding with no fear of the concentration of concern even see the road, instead of being bitten by a dog you can actually harmed by hitting or being hit.
    • turns off the bike and scare the dog with stones, sticks, etc.. The risk you face if the dog is brave type, you may be able to fight.
    • call (for help) who had a dog. In this way the highest level of success, if the owner is all around the scene.
      Caution: the above is not effective in rabies dogs.
  • Damage in the middle of the road,
    ban kempes, rantai copot, kabel rem putus sampai rangka patah, banyak hal bisa terjadi saat di jalan yang pastinya tidak menyenangkan. Hal ini bisa diatasi dengan :
    • persiapan,
    • pemeriksaan rutin,
    • membawa peralatan yang memadai saat bersepeda.
  • hujan,
    other than not fun for cyclists, the rain also resulted in less well on the bike if left alone the rust. Solution :
    • See weather forecasts on the previous day,
    • bring a coat,
    • shelter as soon as there are signs of rain
    • after arriving home flush with tap water bike to eliminate the former rain water, then drain.
  • reckless motorists,
    If we fall while cycling on the track is challenging, although pain is there a sense of curious to try again. But if you fall on the road due to motorcycle rammed? Definitely curious to beat:) Not just the sore, also lives at stake on the highway. How to fix :
    • cycling on the bike path
    • wear flashy clothes and reflectors that you realize that the presence of other road users.
    • obey traffic order,
    • use a helmet and other safety,
    • pray before leaving.
  • feeling lazy,
    enemy is the most dangerous one. Not seen and not felt since it works slowly. Next thing I know your bike has been sitting in the garage for years. Solution:
    • create a schedule that makes sense and obey. Do not create a super tight schedule that you might not fulfill that ultimately makes you feel does not meet the target and eventually backed down,
    • create a distraction, if you are used to cycling alone, occasionally ask your friends, family or other bike enthusiasts.
    • hanging out with people who like cycling too. In addition to keeping morale high cycling, this activity also increases insight and network even mate.

Description: Top 5 Enemies Cyclists and How to Overcome It Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: jarkoni ItemReviewed: Top 5 Enemies Cyclists and How to Overcome It
Mbah Qopet Updated at: 2:39 AM